The purpose of this study was to assess the status of strategic planning formulation and
implementation and to identify the challenges, and to improve possible recommendations for the
problems identified. To achieve these purposes, basic questions related to what opportunities
(stakeholders' participation and institutional capacity) available for the formulation and
implementation of strategic planning and major problems that have been facing the formulation
and implementation of strategic planning. Descriptive survey method of study was employed.
The target population of this study was primary schools principals, department heads, teachers,
PTA members and WEO head. There are 28 primary schools in Woe-illu woreda. For the
purpose of this study 10 (35. 7%) of the primary schools were selected using cluster sampling.
Sample principal, teachers, PTA members and WEO heads were selected using comprehensive
sampling. The questionnaire was distributed for 60 principals & department heads, 78 teachers
and 50 PTA 's members. From 188 totally distributed questionnaires 176 (93.6%) questionnaire
were properly filled and returned. Interviews were conducted with sample primary schools
principals and WEO heads and document of strategic plan of sample primary schools were
consulted. Then the data obtained from questionnaire were analyzed using one-sample t-test.
The finding of the study revealed that participation of stakeholders' in both planning
formulation and implementation was low. Institutional capacity in terms of skilled manpower,
financial and material resources availability and management, and adequacy of information
and data were at low level. Lack of stakeholders' participation, lack of adequate information
and data, scarcity of financial resources, shortage of educational materials, shortage
administrative skilled man power, absence of stability of principals, inconsistence monitoring
and evaluation mechanisms, and inconsistent support and follow up of WEO were among the
major factors that affect the formulation and implementation of strategic planning. Generally,
it seems that in primary schools of Woreillu woreda south Wallo zone, the effort of school
principals' to increase the awareness. and sense of belongingness and ownership of
stakeholders', to develop institutional capacity of primary schools for proper formulation and
implementation; of strategic planning was found at low level So to solve the major problems
encountered with strategic planning formulation and implementation some possible solution
was recommended. This includes: school principals should be clear the benefits and purpose of
strategic plan for stakeholders', participate stakeholders. in every decision making and
evaluation ofstrategic planning formulation and implementation. School principals with KETB
and PTA members will be mobilized the community to support necessaryfinancial and material
resources. School principals should be developing team work, create conducive environment
and ensuring democratic and professional management. To develop capacity of school leaders
those concerned bodies will have to be designing and providing capacity building training and
studying the cases of principal 's turnover and give timely solution. As the result of this,
increasing the awareness of stakeholders and developing the [ormulation and implementation of
strategic planning capacity of school by minimizing the problems that affect the proper
formulation and implementation of primary schools strategic planning and maximizing proper
utilization of available resources in order to achieve the desired goal.