The study wa~ conducted to assess the current instructional leadership practices and
hindering factors in secondary schools of North Shoa Zone. To meet the objectives of the
study descriptive survey was employed. In the study ten secondary schools were selected
using stratified sampling technique. Ten principals, ten assistant principals, eighty
department heads were included as a respondent using comprehensive sampling
technique and eighty six teachers were included as a respondent using simple random
sampling technique. Data gathered through questionnaires were described quantitatively
and interpreted in line with the available literature, whereas the data gathered through
interviews, open-ended questionnaires and document review were described qualitatively
to supplement the quantitative data. The result of the study revealed that the majority of
the principals were not adequately equipped with the knowledge, techniques and skills in
educational management in implementing the instructional leadership function.
Similarly, with the exception of few schools, most of the schools faced problems in
different barriers (personal, organizational and environmental) and as a result schools
were not convenient for instructional process. Community and parent participation in
school functions were found to be very low, while the schools were in acute shortage of
recurrent budget and educational materials. To minimize some of the problems identified,
it is r<;,qomme~ded that different responsible bodies need to show their professional and
administrative commitment. At most, they should consider to allocating sufficient amount
of recurrent budget and adequate material. On the other hand, schools need to focus on
mission and vision attainment by setting high standards for excellence and getting
commitment to achieve the envisioned goals by empowering teachers and encouraging
students. Schools should create their own income sources by creating strong links and
relationships with all expected stakeholders. Finally all stakeholders collaboratively
could overcome the critical problems and achieve success in the improvement of schools'