The· thesis is conducted to identify the major causes and consequences of labor migration. It
has tried to accesses the trends and patterns of migration in relation with the major socio
economic and political developments. Though the trends and patterns of labor migration and
its impacts in Essoye Gula Wdrdda Essoye Gula Warada are said to have been more
complicated, attempts were made to address the context. The findings had revealed that a
multitude of environmental, demographic, economic, infrastructural, cultural, political and
social factors were the fundamental causes of labor migration. The findings had also
elucidated the costs of migration such as the death of people in resettlement sites due to
malaria epidemics, bad weather conditions, lack of food, shelter and medicine as well as
ethnic conflict with the host population; environmental degradation and the loss of tenure
security at origin. Moreover, the economic gains in relation to income and capital formation,
poverty reduction and development that migration have had on household level and left
behind family members, individual migrants and on the local economies of origin and urban
development in Essoye Gula Wdrdda have been given due attention. This thesis examined the
main features and dynamics ojlabor migration and its impact in south Wallo in general, and
Essoye Gula Warada.in particular, between 1941 and 1991.As labor migration was
complex, the sources, both primary and secondary, had been carefully examined and
interpreted using sources from the Ethiopian National Archives and Library Agency,
interviews and literature in order to reconstruct and document labour migration and its
consequences in the period and place under study.