The focus of this study is on the Italian Occupation and Collaboration of Raya and Koba which
covers betweenl935-1936. The study area was identified by its continuous disagreement with the
central state of Ethiopia and by it's of collaboration with Italian fascist forces in time of invasion
and during their occupation time. Many attempts were made to study the area on the basis of
socio cultural and political history of the Raya people. However the studies are not
comprehensive and much has to do to study the area.In conducting this thesis, oral sources from
acknowledgeable elders and other available written literatures are utilized. Archival sources in
the study area that could have support to this historical study are already destroyed because of
the political instability during the period of Derg and before. The study therefore is mainly based
on oral sources collected from elders and history tellers using snowball method and other
written sources related with the issue under study of the study area and some few archival
sources collected from Addis Ababa National Archive and Library. Aiming at overcoming the
weakness entailed in using oral sources, necessary efforts have been made in selecting
appropriate informants, evaluating information cautiously and in cross checking the collected
data efforts have been made to supplement oral information and some few archival materials
with available literatures. To finalize this historical study is, based on archives, interviews and
secondary sources such as oral sources through interview, books, research materials .. .) based
on the above issues. I have collected primary and secondary sources from, National Archives
and Library Agency (NALA) of Addis Ababa Addis Ababa University, Bahir Dar University and
other public libraries. The data, collected through different methods, and carefully examined in
order to reconstruct and document.Despite such efforts the study cannot be complete. This is the
only a preliminary attempt. Accordingly, much remains to be done in the future on the history