Speed is the rlosest connection with the technical and tactical tasks of players. Although
sometimes it
siems that speed can compensate for many for the elements of football game, it is
not enough only to be fast, but also knowing how to deal with the ball, especially football is one
of the teclmicall
difficult sport, because less accurate, lower limbs are used. The main objective
of this study was to the effects of speed on the development of foot ball technique and tactic in
KenemJ foot ball club. To this end, Damot Kenema football players were compressively
selected from Famot Kenema Football club in West Gojjam, Ethiopia. Data were gathered
through tests,
rd game analysis. T-tests, comprising paired t-test were utilized to determine
whether there
\jvere significant differences on performance in speed at .05 alpha levels. Analysis
reveals that Damot Kenema football player's had not good football performance due
to low
speed. In addi ,ion, the player speed performance was far from the standards. Therefore, the
major findings
of the study revealed that speed helped significantly to enhance the Kamot
Kenema club ;football players' performance. Finally, on the basis of the findings, it was
recommended rhat in order to improve Damot Kenema football club players techniques and
tactics, the player should do speed exercise during the training. In addition, the coach should give
attention for speed to improve players' football performance. Furthermore, the coach and
should create awareness on Damot Kenema football club players about the
imp0l1ance of rPeed on players' football techniques and tactics.
Key words: teclmique, tactics, speed development