rhis SIIl(~l' il71'e, '{igoled th(' e//C'CIS of sludenls' perception oj'il1lelligence, achievemenl goal
01 iel1lu
in;? and s('I!~reglllaledlearning Oil academic peliormul1ce IIsing dalali-om 236 universily
sll/(kn/l, COI'I'el(//ional ana~vsis re1'ealed slrrmg relations among the \'Oriables excepl Ihe
rctoliolllhips (?j' perfol'l/1once-opprooch goal orienlalion 11'ilh incremel1lol pcrceplion oj'
inle Iii,\.!, ,'1/( e ilnd Illasler\' gOill orienlalion, Resulls ji'om explorolol'j' palh (./I7al)'.li.\' showed Ihal
.\'c!f-re,ullulorli hwning ,l/rmegy we, performance-avoidance gool orienlalion, cognilive
.\'Iraleg' /lse, mCIIler)' goal oriel1lalio/1 a/1d pel:!'ormunce-opproach goul orienl(//ion direcrly
predicted acodemic perj'orl77oncc, and /l7(I.\'lel)) and perj'ormunce-ovoidance gou! orienlolions
directl.' /iI'edic:ted cO.\.!,nilil'e unci se({-reKlllalorv leurning sl/'{/Iegie.l', Perf()/,/llonce-approach goa!
~ orielllillif),1 di/'(!CIIV /Jr(!diclcd cognilil'e slmlegy lise hUI il j'ailed' 10 predict sel!~regll!oloIY
lei/mil1>:'; I/r{lleg" liSe Perceelion\' oj'il1lellig('nce (incremel1lal ond enlily) [(Iiled 10 have direcl
in/illell, 'c on DCilc,fen/ic per/(}/'/nance Incremcnlal heliej' of il1lelligence hud direcl impocls on
n/oslelY 01111 per/ol'l7wnce-(fI'oidance goul orienlalions, '<-Lnlil) belief' (d' il7lelligence hod direcl
in/lllcnc(' ,e,I))O/l,\'(/! oj' peljhnncJllce-op/Jrouch goul orienlalio/7. flm\lnel', enlily heliel' oj'
inlellig'/lce joilcd 10 pru!ici adoplion oj'maslery u/1(1 perjhrl1ul/1ce-uvoidonc(' goa! orienlofion.l',
Masleri' ond performance-m'oidance goa! orien((llio!1l pla.'e(/ fheir medioliol1ul roles he/ween
SllIdc'11I1 incremenlill conce!J/ion oj'infelligenC(' and use oj'leurning sll'Ulegies, und !earning
(co,'2,nihT &- .I'e!f~1 e,,<u!oIO/~l) sll'O/cgie,\ of. '0 !)!oyed fheir /7wdiufiol1ul role." /)('/l1'een maslelY ilnd
/Jl'l'/orI17UIICC-uvoic!ul1ce goul oricnlafiol1s and acadell1ic pcr/bl'monce Jhl! joinl confrih7llion oj'
Ihe \'wi,INe,'. IU Ihe variance 'Jj'perfbrll1ancl! \\lUS 63(j% Ilo\\'ever, .I'e!f~regul(llor.l' !coming
.I'1J'aleg~ I'SC!, IWr,'ol'/7/anceol'oidance goal oriel1fafion, cognilil'e slralegy use, maslelY goa!
orienll/fio, l (lnd j
el/orJl1C11lce-upproCleh goo! Orie/1/Ofion alone explained a!Jolll 60% oj'lhe
\'urionce oj' </caJe/7/ie per!/)r/7/once, Bosed Oil fhe findings, concilisions and recol77l11endolio/1s
\'I'c:re m l.te,