7he main purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' and students' atritude
and practice of cooperative learning of 5/
grade teachers & students. The
subjects/or this study are 328fi/ih grade students and 69 teachers re"pectively in public
found in Bahir Dar town. Participants were selected using stratified random
sampling techniques considering the proportion of sections fe)r stratification. The data
were collected using closed and open-ended questionnaire as well as a Likert scale. And
the collected data was treated wilh t-tes!. The result showed that students have hetter
towards cooperative learning than teachers. Although. teachers have the Keneral
knowledge or know-how oj cooperative learning However, teachers practice of
cooperative learning in their classrooms was fhund to be lower than the expected mean
score. This implies that most
of the sample teachers are not implementing cooperative
inK in their classrooms regularly. Also students sex difference did not show
siRnijicant a{{itude difference towards cooperatil'e learning Subsequently. the result
secfioh isfe)llowed by possihle sURRestions taking into consideration the target group and
other stakeholders.