dc.description.abstract |
This work focuses on the theoretical investigation of the coexistence of spin density
wave(SDW) and superconductivity in superconducting BaFe2-xCoxAs2. By devel
opi~g the model Hamiltonian for the system and using the double time temperature
dependent Greens function formalism, we found mathematical expressions for su
perconducting transition temperature (T
) , spin density wave transition temperature
), superconductivity order parameter (Lj.sc) and spin density wave order param
eter (Lj.sdw), The phase diagrams of superconducting transition temperature versus
superconductivity order parameter and spin density wave transition temperature ver
sus spin density wave order parameter are obtained. By combining the two phase
diagrams we have obtained a phase diagram which shows the possible coexistence of
spin density wave and superconductivity in superconducting BaFe2-xCoxAs2.
Key words: Spin Density Wave, critical temperature, critical magnetic
field, order parameter and BaFe2-xCoxAs2. |
en_US |