Developing sustainable water supply systems appropriate to the needs ofthe customer
and the water supplier capacity incofporated with the rapidly growing urban
is a challenge faced in developing municipalities. With limited financial
resources to develop water utilities. demands
for water supply and delivery services are
growing rapidly. The current water supply system
of Bahir Dar is yet to be fully
developed, has inadequate distribution
ofwater supply. as well as high water losses.
it is not po.ssible to have a leak~f;'ec network, it is possible to reduce the
ofwater losses and increase the supply wverage. Geographical Information
Systems (GIS)
h~e been integrated into the development of utilities greatly improving
the operation
an~ maintenance of the systems and the decision-making abilities of"
utility developers. Therefore. we develop a GIS database jor the vvater distribution
network components
of" Bahr Dar town and evaluated both the supply coverage and
water loss with primary
and available secondary data in addition to spatial data. such
wflter supply layout. QuickBird satellite image. master plan of the town and GPS
;neasurements. Water production and water consumption aggregated Fom customers
meter readings were used to evaluate the total water loss
in the town. We jound that the
average domestic
per capita consumption of Bahir Dar town is j 8.98 llcld, which is
lower than that ofthe minimum standards set as a basic need. The level ofconnection
p~ family is 35% which implies that on averaf,e three families or 13 persons are
sharing one connection or water tap. In spite oflow coverage. there is a high water loss
.. -in the town. a mean total loss o/ahout -/3% This studv also analyzes the accessihility of"
the distribution pipeline network to the center of" the residential huildings using u
proximity spatial analysis tool. and the mean near distance is 274 meters long
This study suggests that jor optimal water loss reduction and spatial comparison of/oss
within the syste~1, it would be necessary to update the existing network data into a
digital database, improve the billing system, establish water pressure managemi:'nt.
implement proper maintenance and replacement of netvvorks, and diVide the existing
system into subsystems
and district meter areas.