The inain objective of this study was to assess the current contributiollS made by NGOs' to
primm)' education quality improvement in Benishangul-Gul11uz Regional State in the case of
Assosa Zone, To achieve this, the descriptive research method was used. The sample covered
seven Weredas. Out
of the total 60 primm)' schools under NGOs operation 18 schools were
included in the sample. The data were collected through questionnaire, interview
and document
analysis. The participants were
18 primm)' school principals, 39 primm)' school teachers, 2~
benejicimJi students and 16 educational leaders and coordinators at various levels ofeducational
To select the respondent groups, availability, comprehensive and quota sampling
techniques were used. Frequencies,
pqrcentages and means were used to analyze the collected
data. Based on the analyses, the study
reveCli<:d that NGOs have made different activities to
improve the determinants ofquality education in Assosa Zone. There were six NGOs programs in
to quality improvement. The programs have been functional in seven Weredas. And they
have covered 60(43.5%)
primmJi schools. Sometimes, these NGOs involved in solving differat
economical and socio-cultural problems ofstudents, providing training to educational leaders,
illcreasing the awareness ofparents, building additional classrooms within schools and building
new schools. Rarely, they involved
in establishing & strengthening school clubs, building
students moral
and ethics, organizing & equipping school cluster resource centers, conducting
quality focused
supavision, improving school environment, providing training to teachers,
supporting learning assessment, providing educational materials, supporting school remedial
and tutorial classes and developing a mother tongue language as medium of instruction. As a
result there
"were significant quality related changes made by NGOs involvement. Enhanced
ofeducational leaders, minimized economical and socio-cultural problems ofstudents,
improved capacity ofteachers in teaching methodolof::'ies and increased a,mreness ofparent's in
children's learning were some ofthe major changes. Besides, the study identified that the
and process aspects of quality got more emphasis than the outputs and outcomes related
issues. The study also
showed that these NGOs contribution was chailenged by different factors.
of well organized information system, lack of chain with other organizations, lack of
infrastructure & social services, misuse offund & "iaterial, seeing al1 NCO only as gap filler
rather than as a development actor, absence
ofqualified staffand less cooperation ofpartnership
,..-ere some of (he major factors. From the findings. it could be concluded lhat there oms
considerable cOl1lribltlion of i'/COs to the qualif)' improvemenl of Assosa Zone prilJlOl)'
educalion. Thus, it has" been suggested thot NCOs shall plan for cOl7linui(v and intensity of
il1fervel7iion and develop working ,pith schools to address output aild oulcome relaled issues 0./
quaiily such as student motivation to learn, changes in behavior, slUdel1ls I appreciarioi7 ofschool,
Illethods, 1lli?l7toring and coach,;ng. l-.1ol'eol'cr, /'/COs im'oh"cmei1! should be an
integra! and important clement 0./ lhe zonal and regional edlicarion SySTems. Networking should
be srarting
iii [he region ill general and in rhe .'Ill/died zone in particular so lhm it can bring The
required change.