A Study on the Opportunities and Challenges in the Formulation and Implementation of Strategic Plan: Government Secondary Schools of West Shoa Zone in Focus

Show simple item record Takele, Aga 2017-07-31T06:28:30Z 2017-07-31T06:28:30Z 2011-07-31
dc.description A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Mater of Arts in Educational Planning and Management en_US
dc.description.abstract Abstract The purpose of this study was to asses the status of strategic planning formulation and implementation and to identify the strengths and challenges, and to provide possible recommendations for the problems identified. To achieve these purposes, basic questions related to what opportunities available for the formulation and implementation of strategic plans and major factors that have been affecting the formulation and implementation ofstrategic planning were set. Descriptive survey method ofstudy was employed. A set ofquestionnaire was prepared, pilot tested and administered to a sample of96 principals and department heads, ll2 teachers and 56 PTA members. Among 272, distributed questionnaire 264 (97.05 %) questionnaire were . properly filled are returned. Besides interviews were conducted with WEO heads, student >, representatives and principals, and documents ofschools were c2-nsulkd. Then the information obtained was analyzed using weighted mean and One-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD comparison. The findings 0./ the study revealed that participation ofstakeholders in the processes ofstrategic planning formulation and implementation was low in most cases and at average level in some cases. institution capacity in terms ofskilled manpower, financial management capability. and information ,management capability were found to be inadequate. Lack of participation of stakeholders, absence of administrative skilled manpower, in adequacy offinancial resources, inefficient and ineffective management of information system, inadequacy of implementation strategies, and inconsistency offollow up and evaluation mechanism were among the major factors that hampered strategic planning formulation and implementation. Generally, it seems that in secondary schools ofwest shoa zone,' the efforts made by the schools management bodies to encourage, to develop the awareness and enhance a sense ofbelongingness ofstakeholders, to develop and organize schools institutions for proper formulation and implementation in secondary schools ofwest shoa zone was found at in adequate level. He1JCe, to solve the major problems encountered with strategic planning formulation and implementation, some possible solutions were recommended. These include: communicating a clear purposes for strategic planning to participate stake holders, establishing broad base owner ship for strategic planning, enhance the institutional capacity of schools, developing appropriate strategies such as conducive work environment, developing appropriate communication, follow up and evaluation mechanisms as well as searching solutions for problems encountered on timely bases. To this effect, raising the awareness ofkey stakeholders and developing the implementation capacity of schools to minimize the constraints that challenge the proper implementation of schools strategic plan and maximizing the capacity ofschools seems imperative to properly utilize the available opportunities in order to achieve the desired goals. en_US
dc.title A Study on the Opportunities and Challenges in the Formulation and Implementation of Strategic Plan: Government Secondary Schools of West Shoa Zone in Focus en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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