dc.description.abstract |
This thesis tries to reconstruct the socio-economic, political and religious history of Aira
Guliso Warada, which is located in the present-day West Wallagga Administrative Zone.
The period within which the reconstruction of the history of the warada focused is from
1941to1991. The thesis employed methods such as careful collection ofavailable written
·sources followed by the identification of archives and other official documents from the
Ethiopian National Archive Center and Library Agency at Addis Ababa(NALA), Institu~e
o!Ethiopian Studies(IES), West and East Wallagga Administrative Zones as well as Aira
Guliso Warada Administrative, Agricultural, Culture and Tourism Offices. Oral
information collected from informants during the field work that in turn followed by detail
sciy, crosschecking, and systematic interpretation of all the sources in qualitat~ve
replaced by the naftaiina-gabbar system right after the incorporation of Aira Guliso
Warada to the Ethiopian empire in the late 19th century. Thus, the incorporation of Aira
Guliso tu the Ethiopian Empire under Menelik marked the supremacy of the Sha wan army
in Aira Guliso until the Italian occupation of the warada in 1937. The administrative
structuring and restructuring of Aira Guliso Warada during the Imperial government in
the pre and post-liberation period could not bring significant socio-economic and political
improvements in the life of the waradas people. Rather, it pacified the exploitation of the
people in varieties of dimensions up to the Ethiopian revolution of 1974 that brought about
the overthrow of the imperial government.
method. The socio-economic, political, and religious history of Aira Guliso Warada was |
en_US |