This study has been conducted on Guji Orama peoples of Oromia Regional State, of Addis
Ababa and in south Ethiopia, it is true that many of the Ethiopian peoples and famine history
and the roles of relief organizations were not deeply studied and recorded in the history of the
country. Among such peoples, Guji is the one which its peoples and famine history had not yet
rteen touched. Therefore, interest in this topic is originated from my intention to connect the Guji
peoples' famine, women's history and the roles of relief organizations and their unreserved
works of relief assistance and other related humanitarian activities in the study area are also
briefly discussed and elaborated in an illustrative manner. Generally, the Guji Orama women's'
socio-cultural. politico-economical rights, status and positions in their traditional Cada system
and women's difficulties in times of Fuji periodical drought is also discussed. I hope this
itnpottent theme will serve as a guide for further researchers and investigators, and even to
whom a person needs tQ_ know about the Guji women's position, status and power in their ,
community and their traditional Cada system treatments towards them, and also the Guji
peoples periodical drought and famine and Governmental and NGOs roles and response from
1974-till 2013. •