After the revolution, the transition from imperial to military rule was turbulent. When
Darg assumed power, like other military regimes elsewhere, promised that it was going to
rule "provisionally" and that would eventually hand over power to the people. But
contrary, its actions were to prove that it was going to stay in power at all costs, in face of
massive· popular opposition to its rule from the very beginning. It formed a centralized
system of governance with socialist economy.
To this enq, revolts by various right and left wing political groups demanded an elected
"government. But the government did not responded the initial opposition rather it
promulgated different measures including nationalization of banks, insurances and
proclaimed new land policy. Many university and secondary students were mobilized and
sent to the country side to implement land reform which amounted in effect to
nationalization of all rural property. While these measures were implemented in the
south, in tlte northern part of the country reacted sharply.
Some of students in Gojjam also provoked some small scale clashes among the
traditional.leaders. Thus, along their main task, the EPRP members had created a golden
opportunity to expand their political ideology and they form different structures in
Gojjam. Then after, Darg awarded EPRP' s organizational activities in Gojjam. Therefore,
like the Center and other town, Darg began its war of annihilation among the EPRP
members and sympathizers. As a result, the event was remembered as a horrific history in
every Ethiopian people. It created an economic, social, psychological and political legacy
for the participants as well as the country at large.