,_This study focuses on the history of people's relation in Assosa region. Assosa here indicates the
district and its surroundings. The Nilotic peoples had established early contacts with
neighboring peoples. Among the Nilots the Barta inhabited Assosa zone of present Benishangul
for cnturis. They have long history in the Ethio-Sudanss border lands. They shared culture of
both Ethiopia and the /ifudan. The origin of the Barta was Fun} in the present territory of the
Blue Nile of the-Sudan. After their settlement in the present Benishangul, they interacted with the
Mao and Kommo-peoples, during the eightenth to the twenth cnturis they consolidate relation
with the Oromo 's too. They followed Islamic religion. Islamic mission encouraged them to
establish relation with the Mao-kommo and Begi Oromo. The Barta had a history of independent
existence. They had autonomous rule over their locality. Assosa was settled by the high land
people in the Ethiopian modern era. After 197 4 Ethiopian revolution the Darg settled drought
striken people of Wallo and Te gray in Assosa region. In Assosa the Barta hav lived pacfully with
the settlers. The Barta developed economic, social and cultural interaction with the settler
people. They lived in peace with their neighbors. They used traditional conflict resolution
method during disagreements. They established friendship with settlers. The settlers and the
Barta intermarried and widen their scope of interaction. The interdependence continued in multi
direction. All the developments of infractions in Assosa show the prevalence of peaceful co-
existence through out the twntith century .