has been used as a point of constant interaction between the Semitic peoples from the north
Wallo has been used as a plat form of series of cultural and historical developments. It
and the Cushitic southern and eastern plains .The various ethnic groups who inhabited the
highlands and the escarpment slopes had been involved in various social and economic
interactions. Throughout much of the 19th Century the various ethnic groups particularly of
the Afar and the Oromo Md incessantly fought each other on account of economic reasons. In
the last .decades of the 19th century with the coming to power of Ras Michael of Wallo, the
sporadic fighting seemed to have declined. As government sources and oral accounts revealed,
the -- pastoral Afar and agro pastoral Oromo of southeastern Wallo hd been involved in a
const~ intmdim and conflict until the turn of this century. Apart from their fierce competition
and attitudes shared between the two communities had attributed to lessen their social
interaction. Despite. the sporadic conflicts, however, the Afar and the Oromo of the escarpment
areas and the lowlands in Wallo have also a strong interdependence through trade, marriage and
interlµ:rtlrre between the Afar and the Oromo in Southeastern Wallo in the periods from 1942-
communities. The different forms of violence particularly in the periods following the exit
focusing on the region under consideration.
over the scarce resources which can be taken as a cause for conflict, the different social values and attitudes shared between the two communities had attributed to lessen their social
interaction. Despite. the sporadic conflicts, however, the Afar and the Oromo of the escarpment
areas and the lowlands in Wallo have also a strong interdependence through trade, marriage and , stock alliance. This study therefore tries to in~ the various forms of interactions and
nterlµ:rtlrre between the Afar and the Oromo in Southeastern Wallo in the periods from 1942-2000. Attempts have been made to show the social and economic condition -of the two ommunities. The different forms of violence particularly in the periods following the exit of Italians from the country have been discussed in the paper. Finally the study tries to show
the new forms of ethnic relation following the introduction of ethnic federalism in Ethiopia focusing on the region under consideration.