Today, environmental problems are more relevant to be treated than they were ever before. They
~ urgent international issues because they have equal and uniform impacts on living and
nonliving things irrespective of the place where they are occurred. Thus, it attracts the
intellectual gaze of scholars from various disciplines. However, no comprehensive work has
been. done yet on Ethiopian environment, especially in its historic perspective. Here, therefore,
this thesis is a move towards feeling such gap. It mainly examines the environmental history of
Enamty .. Warada in the twentieth century. It explores the impact of agricultural practices,
population growth and land use change on environmept. It also examines the effects of furmland
expansion on forest, bush and pasture lands of the area under study since. the dawn of the
twent.Ch century.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, Enarnay Warada has much more forests, grass.ibushes
and wildlife inhabited in the forests. However, it has undergone significant changes since the
dawn of the period under discussion, and forests and bushes have been cleared resulted in
wildlife crisis and ecological disturbance in general. The main driving causes for environmental
change in the study area are population growth, land use change and environmental custom of
the society. The environmental degradation has various effects include vegetation crisis, land
degradation, reduction of agricultural production, energy crisis, shrinking of pasture land, loss of
biodiversity and wildlife. Afforestation and structural soil conservation were applied as coping
measures ofenvironmental degradation in the study area.