Population growth has become a major concern in Ethiopia. In order to control
population growth use modern contraceptive methods has been practiced among women.
However, still there are women who are not using MCM for various reasons that need
further investigation. This study was conducted on Determinants of Modern Contraceptive
./· use among Women of reproductive ages in the suburban kebeles of Dangila Town
Administration, Awi zone· of Amhara National Regional State. The main objectives were to
. assess the practices of modern contraceptive use among married women of reproductive
ages 'in the study area. Multi-stage sampling technique was employed A total of 157
sample respondents were selecte. Structured questionnaire was used to collect primary
data from the respondents. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive and
inferential statistics. The qualitative data were described and presented along the
quantitative result. The majority of women respondents 55 (35. 03%) were found within
the age range of 30-34. The number of living children is found to be determinant factor
with (73.2%). The majority 64(58. 7%) of respondents used injectables (Depo-Provera),
8~(53.5%) respondents believed that using modern contraceptive methods was forbidden
for religious reasons, and 118(75.2%) respondents indicated that they considered income
to make decision on contraceptive use. Age and education status of women, number of
living children, knowledge and attitude, religion, husbands influence, income, sex
preference and need of couples to have additional children were significant factors
influencing use of modern contraceptive methods among women in the reproductive age
~ess than 5% significant level. Demographic factors have negative relation between
independent and dependent variable which is modern contraceptive use in terms of
women using or not using the contraceptive method Therefore, attention should be given
. to women education, improving economic status of women, raising community awareness
on modern contraceptive methods facilitating peer and spousal discussion for the better
use of modern contraceptive methods.
Key words. Dangila, determinant factors, modern contraceptive methods,
Married women, reprocj.uctive age