it is observed thot .fi-agmentwion of land huhling farms is a major structural problem for
agricultural production growth in f;tJ1iopit1. This study was carried out in Sayint district ofthe
Amhara region with the main ...
The twenty-first century is regarded as a century of urbanization since both the trends and
rate of urbanization is very high all over the world. Bahir Dar is one of the rapidly
growing Ethiopian cities characterized ...
Good governance in land administration is an important tool for smooth progress and sustainable development of a nation as it deals with the ultimate resource of human beings. The government of Ethiopia has been ...
Land use land cover change affect the development and the ecosystem in different way.
Watersheds in the country are in danger due to continuous threats they are facing. Ribb
watershed is endangered due to temporal land ...
This study examines the governance of local land use rights and farm investments in the context
of inclusive and responsible manner in Ethiopia. The question addressed in this research is
whether balanced approaches ...
Mortgage valuation has a substantial role in the mortgage lending process at the
commencement of the loan, during the life of the loan, and at the end of the loan. However, in
Ethiopia, the property valuation system ...
This paper reviews mortgaging rural land use right by peasants in Ethiopia in general and the
ANRS in particular, with special reference of West Gojjam Zone. The study found that both the
ANRS rural land proclamation ...
The aim of this study is to investigate the opportunities and challenges of local
development plan implementation in the case of Enewari town. To achieve the objective
of the study mixed research approach with descriptive ...
The contemporary urbanization, land dispute and the implications to the sustainability of land use
especially in the peri-urban areas are emerging as a cross-cutting theme in policy debates and scientific
discourse. ...
Mass valuation is the valuation of a group of properties for the same purpose at the same time. It is applicable for property tax assessment however; in most developing countries, including Ethiopia property tax assessment ...
Land is the most valuable natural resource for humankind. Over the decades, many
factors, such as lack of land policy, weak legal frameworks and institutions, tenure
insecurity, and mismanagement of land, have contributed ...
The way land is governed differ throughout the world and reflect local cultural and judicial
settings. This study aimed to assess rural land governance practices in Guraferda district, South
Western Regional State, ...
Real property taxation in general and rural land use fee and taxation in particular are important to generate
revenue for local governments and it enables to use the rural land effectively and efficiently. Economic
theories ...
The generation and dispose of solid wastes are becoming the problems facing both in
developing and developed countries. The rapid growth of population and urbanization are
connected with high discharge of solid wastes ...
Urbanization and urban population have dramatically increasing in many developing countries.
Ethiopia is also experiencing with high rate of urbanization and growth of population. These high rate
of urbanization require ...
This study assessed and examined the valuation method used; the level of valuation
inaccuracy; and the causes of valuation inaccuracy and variance in Ethiopia,
particularly in valuation for property transfer in Bahir ...
This Dissertation analyses the constitutional and developmental dilemma of vertical power
delegation over land in Ethiopia. It particularly examines the respective power of the Federal
Government and regional states ...
Even though, Ethiopia has undergone numerous land tenure reforms over centuries; it failed to provide women’s equal land right as compared to their male counterpart and the situation has limited government efforts of ...