In Bahir Dar city, there is a mortgage repayment problem, almost 30% of mortgage
finance is not collected back on time. In addition, the studies undertaken on, factors that
affect loan repayment performance ...
Land is an essential pillar of human development and economic growth. It has been the center of
political and socio-economic debate from time immemorial. Weak government institutions as
well as inadequate demarcation, ...
Urbanization in Ethiopia is growing at a fast rate and the same phenomenon is observed in the
Amhara region. Despite the efforts made to enhance urban expansion by the government issues related
to the land rights and ...
ABSTRACT Land, in modern land administration, defines resources and buildings as well as the marine environment essentially, the land itself and all things attached to it, or below or above the surface. The study inspired ...
The study was conducted in the Banja district of the Amhara region. The main objective of the study was critically evaluating the status, limitations, and alternative land use type as well as its benefits. To realize the ...
The aim of this thesis was to swdy the nccurnrsjneeds of second level land
certification program using different instruments used for land su.rveying and
registration purpose. The general objective of the study is to ...
In most parts of Ethiopia, people are dependent on eucalyptus as a source of woodlots, fuel,
constructing houses as well as for socio-economic benefits. Due to this, eucalyptus
plantations expand from time to time in ...
Land is the vital natural resource in the world as it contributes to economic development. The most successful economy of the developed world is clearly benefited from well-developed land administration function ...
Evaluating any new system and application before feasible and meaning full action have been
taken is a very important concept that should be considered. This study was conducted to evaluate
whether the currently under ...
Land administration systems (LASs) are developed to support land policies in dealing with land
management issues. Given this role, flexible approaches to land administration (LA) are adopted,
particularly in developing ...
Groundwater demand is rising exponentially due to several factors contrary to this
groundwater assessment and evaluation in Ethiopia is preliminarily conducted through
conventional hydrogeological and geophysical ...
Land is the major factor of production along with labor, entrepreneur, and capital. To use
sustainably, land has to be administered and managed properly. To do so, the cadastral system
plays a crucial role in the ...
The study aimed to examine valuation practices and challenges facing property tax collection in Amhara national regional state: in the case study of Bahir Dar city administration. The city administration is interested in ...
it is observed thot .fi-agmentwion of land huhling farms is a major structural problem for
agricultural production growth in f;tJ1iopit1. This study was carried out in Sayint district ofthe
Amhara region with the main ...
The twenty-first century is regarded as a century of urbanization since both the trends and
rate of urbanization is very high all over the world. Bahir Dar is one of the rapidly
growing Ethiopian cities characterized ...
Good governance in land administration is an important tool for smooth progress and sustainable development of a nation as it deals with the ultimate resource of human beings. The government of Ethiopia has been ...
Land use land cover change affect the development and the ecosystem in different way.
Watersheds in the country are in danger due to continuous threats they are facing. Ribb
watershed is endangered due to temporal land ...
This study examines the governance of local land use rights and farm investments in the context
of inclusive and responsible manner in Ethiopia. The question addressed in this research is
whether balanced approaches ...
Mortgage valuation has a substantial role in the mortgage lending process at the
commencement of the loan, during the life of the loan, and at the end of the loan. However, in
Ethiopia, the property valuation system ...