Major Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Students in Technical Drawing Subject, Some Selected General Secondary Schools in Bahir Dar City Administration

Show simple item record Zebider, Getnet 2025-03-10T06:42:03Z 2025-03-10T06:42:03Z 2024-09
dc.description.abstract The study was designed to assess Key Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Students in Technical Drawing Subject in Some Selected General Secondary Schools in Bahir Dar city Administration. The general objective of this study was to identify the factors that affect academic performance of students in technical drawing subject. some selected General secondary Schools in Bahir Dar city Administration. The study used an explanatory sequential research design. Participants of the study were 305. The data sources of this study are primary and secondary data sources. The primary data is collected through structured questionnaires, Interview and Focus group discussion and secondary data collected through document analysis of annual performance reports and rosters. To analyze the extent and trends of academic performance of students the study used descriptive statistics and to assess the factors that affect academic performance of students ordinal logistic regression was used. The trend of students’ academic achievement showed a decreasing pattern of academic performance over time in a fluctuating manner. The ordinary binary logistic regression model result revealed that the students’ parent educational status, class safety, the number of days spent for practice of technical drawing in a week, personal issue related factor ,personal factors related to drawing ,technical drawing subject teachers Related Factors, computer Aided Instruction related factors school related factor and cooperative teaching method related factors were significant determinant of students’ academic performance while the sex of respondents, traditional method of teaching related factors and parental related factors were insignificant determinants. Eventually the major challenges that affect the teaching and learning process are lack of technical drawing practicing room, scarcity of technical drawing graduate teachers and lack of technical drawing subject instruments. To conclude, the significant factors that affect students’ performance together with its challenges worsen the academic performance of students. This study recommended that stakeholders that their duties related with students’ academic performance should focus their attention on the significant factors that affect students’ academic performance by developing and implementing different coping mechanisms. Key words: Cooperative Learning, computer Aided Instruction, Academic Performance, Drawing, Instrument 1 en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.subject Mechanical and Industrial Engineering en_US
dc.title Major Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Students in Technical Drawing Subject, Some Selected General Secondary Schools in Bahir Dar City Administration en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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