dc.description.abstract |
In Ethiopia bread-baking ovens are made without following any scientific principles. Most locally manufacturd bread baking ovens have no temperature controller, for this reason local made ovens are energy-intensive and produces poor quality product. Therfore , a Fuzzy logic temperature controller using MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox developed. The controller was designed based on open-loop respons of the oven system using two k-type thermocouple temperature sensor and the data logger. The oven dimensions were 100x50x60 centimeters for the two-layer oven and the baking pan was 92x40 centimeters. The average power consumed to bake 220 pieces (12kg) of bread was 10.33kWh (3.1MJ/Kg) in three experimental tests. This intelligent control system is validated first using MATLAB Simulink software and tested experimentally on a real plant. The experimental test results showed that the designed fuzzy logic controller successfully controlled the temperature of the baking oven to its set point, the average temperatures of the baking oven without a controller were 296.75 and 280.5 for oven layer1 and layer2 respectively, and with controlled 230 and 220, there is a temperature increase of 66.75 and 60.5-degree centigrade without a controller and 11 minutes more and the average energy consumed to bake 220 pieces of bread without controller was 10.33kWh and when we use a controller 8.5kWh of energy consumed to bake 220 pieces of bread. We have got an energy efficiency improvement of 17.72% when using a fuzzy logic controller.
Keywords: Bread, Intelligent control system, fuzzy logic, Rule base, Oven |
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