dc.description.abstract |
The purpose of the study to reconstruct the life and times of biography of Bitwädäd Ayaléw
Mӓkonnӓn, a prominent patriot and statesman of Ačäfär Wärädä, from his birth to his death
(1898-1971G.C.). The principal approach employed in this study is the qualitative method, with
data collected from both primary and secondary sources. Consequently, valuable information
was obtained from secondary materials, including books, articles, and MA theses. The study also
relies on the use of valuable archival materials, which the researcher collected from the
National Archive and Library Agency (NALA) the Institute of Ethiopian Studies (IES) at Addis
Ababa Universit and Debre Markos University and archival center (DMUAC). From these
archival centers, important information was gathered that dealt with the patriotic role and his
relation stated, which, helped me in the process of the reconstruction of the Biography of
Bitwädäd Ayaléw Mӓkonnӓn. Therefore, this work was written based on a critical analysis of
archival sources and oral information gathered from knowledgeable informants. This thesis
focuses on the family background and the childhood lifetime of Bitwädäd Ayaléw Mӓkonnӓn. In
this connection, an attempt was made to cross-check the information that the researcher
collected from informants against archival materials. In the process of reconstructing the
Biography of Bitwädäd Ayaléw Mӓkonnӓn, the researcher came to realize that his role as the
leader and organizer of the patriotic resistance movement in Ačäfär and Dangila areas was
significant to such an extent that both the people and the government of Ethiopia gave
promotions and recognition to him; particularly the government recognized his role by
promoting him to higher political and military title and by awarding him with gifts and different
medals. He also attracted the attention of the imperial regime after the expulsion of the Italians
in that he was made to serve the government as the governor in several place |
en_US |