Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants Used in Traditional Medicine in Fogera District, South Gondar Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia

Show simple item record BELAYNESH, BEYENE 2024-10-18T10:03:21Z 2024-10-18T10:03:21Z 2024-09
dc.description.abstract Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants was conducted in Fogera Woreda, South Gondar Zone of Amhara Region, Ethiopia. The main objective of this study was to document the traditional medicinal plants use in Fogera Woreda. Ethnobotanical data were collected from 195 informants using the method of semi structured interview, market survey, field observation and group discussion. Informant consensus, preference ranking, direct matrix ranking, paired comparisons and informant consensus factor (ICF) were used in data analysis. Sixty nine medicinal plant species belonging to 67 genera and 41 families were recorded. The habitat source were natural vegetation 47(68.11%) and home garden 22 (31.88%), 52(75.36%) species used to treat Human disease 5(7.24%) livestock ailments and 12(17.39%) both human and livestock ailments, 29(42.02%) were shrubs, 20(28.98%) herbs, 15(21.7%) trees and climber 5(7.24%). The family Solanaceae and Asteraceae both contributed 7(10.44%) species, followed by Fabaceae 5(7.46%) with 5 Species and Lamiaceae with 4 species each. Most of the traditional medicines were prepared from fresh plant material 76 (57.57%), followed by dry material 44(33.33%) and 12 (9.90%) both. The most mode of application method was drinking 51 (33.33). The most frequently used plant parts were leaves 52 (44.82) followed by roots 26(22.41). The most frequent mode of preparation was pounding 48(35.03%), followed by crushing 22 (16.05%). The most common route of administration of traditional medicinal plants was oral 76(55.88%) followed by dermal 29 (21.32%). Preference ranking of 6 species of plants showed that Lepidium sativum ranked the most effective in treating tonsilities. Paired comparision results indicated that Eucalyptus globules much favored in treating evil eye. Eucalyptus globules were the most multipurpose medicinal plant. The medicinal plant resource of the area is threatened by agricultural expansion, fire wood or charcoal making etc. The participation of the local people, awareness rising through training or education on sustainable utilization and management of plant resources, establishment of forest protected areas should be encouraged. Keywords: Ailment, Attribute, Conservation, Documentation, Ethnobotany, ethnoveternary, Herbalist, Indigenous Knowledge, Informant consensus factor, Medicinal plant, Remedy. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Biology en_US
dc.title Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants Used in Traditional Medicine in Fogera District, South Gondar Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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