dc.description.abstract |
Safe water and adequate sanitation are basic rights of people and fundamental to human
development. However, large proportion of the world population, particularly in low income
countries, lack access to safe water and adequate sanitation. In Ethiopia improved water supply and
sanitation were the majored problems with poor coverage of drinking water. The objective of this
study is to assess the water sanitation, hygienic and quality status in Alefa district and Shahura
town, Central Gondar zone North-West Ethiopia. A community based cross sectional study was
conducted in the study area. The water sample was collected from 34 water sources and 39 from
household containers. Thirty four water samples were selected purposively to include all types of
water resources. Assessments of sanitary and hygienic practices were done through face-to-face
interview from 431 households and observation checklist. Among these 39 households were
selected by systematic random sampling for water analysis. The bacteriological quality of
drinking water was evaluated by most probable number (MPN) technique. The data obtained
from water samples were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. In terms of fecal coliform
counts, 26/34 (76.47 %) water sources and 17/39 (43.59%) household containers water samples
were tested positive for FC. In terms of total coliform, 27/34 (79.41 %) water sources and 18/39
(46.15%) household containers water samples were tested positive for TC with significant
difference. DWP/BH and DWT water sources were very good to drinking compared to the other.
The physicochemical water quality high value of pH (7.93) recorded from DWT line in with
WHO guideline value (6.5- 8.5). All mean values of conductivity and TDS were within the
allowable limits of WHO guideline (<1000g/100ml). About 4/6(66.67%) drinking water source
samples turbidity mean values beyond the limit values of WHO guidelines (< 5). Among the
households, about 284(65.88%) obtained drinking water from improved sources (from DWP/BH,
HDWP, PS, DWT and MS) but these water resources not protected and fenced. Only 60(13.92%)
respondents travel from 6.50 meters. This study shows that the quality of drinking water in the
study area is poor due to the following risk factors such as poor handling practices, poor waste
disposal system, low water treatment a practice. Further studies are requiring to determining the
exact point of water pollution and sanitary conditions as well as biological water quality in the
study area.
Keyword: Bacteriological analysis, Drinking water, physical quality, Total coliform |
en_US |