Teachers’ Time Management Practice: the case of North Mecha Woreda Secondary Schools

Show simple item record Dagnaw, Mengistu 2023-05-19T05:57:21Z 2023-05-19T05:57:21Z 2023-05
dc.description.abstract The main purpose of this paper is to examine teachers’ time management practice in North Mecha Woreda secondary schools. Hence, 282 samples are drawn from all six secondary schools. Accordingly, Stratified sampling was used for teachers and comprehensive nonprobability sampling was used for instructional leaders (department heads, vice-principals and principals) (218, 50, 8, 6). Hence, Out of 276 questionnaires, 258 had been filled and returned which makes the response rate 93.4%. In this study, both quantitative and qualitative design was used. Questionnaire, interview, document examinations and observation were constituted as data collection instruments. Questioners were asked for teachers, vice-principals and department heads and interview were conducted only for school principals. Descriptive and inferential data analyses were generated. One-sample t- test and independent t-test was computed and tested to measure and analyze the quantitative data. On the other hand, the rest qualitative data like interview, observation and document examinations was computed through qualitative thematic analysis. The study found out that the prevalence of teachers’ time management in North Mecha woreda secondary schools was very low. Meanwhile, the study revealed that teachers attend school an average of 75.6 percent of the time; in rural schools that have no shelters 63.7 percent of teachers were late comers; about 25.6 percent of teachers, which is more than 1 in 4 teachers, were found outside the classroom during their period. Moreover, teachers’ time management has been characterized by, poor prioritization, failure to accomplish planning, scheduling, and executing as well. According to the findings, teachers’ time has been greatly wasted because of lack of time discipline, personal problems, disorganizations and lastly attitudinal problems respectively. The researcher recommended that secondary school teachers must give special emphasis about prioritizing, planning and excusing improving their time management practice en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.subject Educational Planning and Management en_US
dc.title Teachers’ Time Management Practice: the case of North Mecha Woreda Secondary Schools en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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