dc.description.abstract |
The purpose of this study was to assess the practice and challenges of accelerated education
program in North Wollo Zone. To understand whether speed school/accelerated education
program is being practiced with the speed school guide line in different thematic areas,
effectiveness of the program in the activities on the SHGS, major challenges hindering the
implementations of speed school/ accelerated education program and the prospects of targeted
individuals to the program were assessed. The study was employed qualitative research
approach, social constructivism research paradigm and case study design were deployed.
Interview, FGDs, observation and document review were data gathering tools used in this study.
Woredas education office curriculum preparation and implementation team leaders, SSP focal
persons at woreda, Zone and reginal level, directors, supervisors and students were primarily
data sources and reviewed documents were secondary source of this study. Since curriculum
implementation team experts were high in number (46), 7 experts were selected with purposive
sampling, school directors and supervisors were selected through comprehensive sampling,
teachers and students were selected through available sampling. Sufficient data were collected
with such tools, qualitative data was analyzed thematically in narration. Both the ALFA class
and adoption class were undertaken their teaching and learning process with in the ten months
whereas the daily schedule was differently used. In the 2013 E.c school year from the planned
375 mothers 315 mothers which is 84% of ALFA class children were agreed to organize under
SHG group and engaged in saving and in this school year, 15 schools 315 mothers organized in
SHG and save ETB 89625 birr by themselves and 83250 Birr supported by the project and a
total of 17291 Birr capital they have. |
en_US |