InvestigationofPropertiesof Concrete Containing Waste Glass Powder and Steel Slag Aggregate

Show simple item record Yohannes, Berhane Abreha 2022-12-25T07:28:53Z 2022-12-25T07:28:53Z 2022-10-05
dc.description.abstract Concrete plays a vital role as a construction material in the world. However, the production of cement is one of the environmentally unfriendly processes due to the release of CO2 gas to the atmosphere. In addition to, its negative environmental impact cement is also one of the most expensive materials when compared to the other constituents of the concrete. On the other hand, glass wastes and steel slag were giving less attention to reuse in application of construction purpose. The laboratory-based investigation for the partial replacement of cement and coarse aggregate with waste glass powder and steel slag respectively, in concrete production was conducted.The focus was the partial replacement of cement with waste glass in the order of, 0% (Control), 5%, 15%, and 25% of cement by weight and 0% (Control), 10%, 20%, and 30% of steel slag aggregate by weight natural aggregatefor normal concrete. The combination was obtained based on the literature review of different researcher that had a better result on property of concrete.In this study, an experimental investigation was conducted on workability, compressive strength, water absorption and sulfate attack for control mix concrete and concrete containing different amount of waste glass powder and steel slag. And studies were performed specifically on concrete had 25Mpa compressive strength with water-cement ratio of 0.49. Finally, micro structural investigation on concrete was conducted. The results showed that, the slump value was increase with the range of (40mm-50mm) as the percentage of Waste Glass Powder increase however the when the Steel Slag was incorporate with the mix the slump decrease below 40mm due to Steel Slag had highly water absorbent characteristic. And also, the result showed that rise in compressive strength properties.the appropriate result which satisfies the design strength was obtained when a combination of 15% waste glass powder and 30% steel slag aggregatewith partially replacing of cement and coarse aggregate which was 35.25Mpa at 28 days ofcompressive strength. The compressive strength of concrete for 28 th days after immersed in 5% Na2SO4showed that decreasing percentage was ranged under 3.64%-15.56% for all percent of replacement proportion.The Thermo Gravimetric Analysis and Fourier Transform infrared Spectroscopy result of concrete had insignificant difference by addition of waste glass powder as compared with the control mix. Keywords: Waste glass powder, Steel Slag, Normal Strength Concrete, Compressive Strength, Micro structure. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title InvestigationofPropertiesof Concrete Containing Waste Glass Powder and Steel Slag Aggregate en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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