Major Challenges That Affects Women’s Participation in School Leadership Positions in Government Primary Schools of Fageta Lekoma Woreda As Perceived By Female Teachers

Show simple item record Kebede, Birhanu 2022-11-01T09:18:59Z 2022-11-01T09:18:59Z 2022-09
dc.description.abstract The main purpose of this study was to investigate the major challenges that affect female teachers' participation in school leadership positions in Fageta Lekomma Woreda government primary schools. Specifically, this study addresses such specific objectives as examining the perception of female teachers to assume school leadership responsibilities, identify the major challenges that affect female teachers participation in school leadership positions, investigate the experience of female school leaders those who are on the position and investigate the main resons for female teachers low utilization of their opportunities to participate in school leadership positions. To achieve these objectives, a mixed research approach was employed. Based on the selected approach, concurrent research design was employed. In Fageta Lekoma woreda 73 governement primary schools are found. In these government primary schools 602 male and 658 female teachers are found. Thus, 658 female teachers those teach in these government primary schools were the target populations of this study. As a result, the researcher select 12 primary schools those led by females by using purposive sampling technique. Furthermore, the researcher selects 10 primary schools by using simple random sampling technique. Totally; in thsese 22 government primary schools 212 female teachers are found. Comprhansive sampling technique was employed to use all female teachers those found in these selected 22 primary schools. Moreover, 13 female school leaders, 4 core process experts in education office and Womens affair office those found in Fageta Lekoma woreda were used as respondents of the study by using purposive sampling techninque. Three data gathering instruments were used in the study. These were a questionnaire, a semi-structured interview, and a focus group discussion. In analyzing the data, qualitative and quantitative methods were employed. Based on the collected and analyzed data, the study found the following results: Female teachers in primary schools have not a posetive perception to assume school leadership positions and they are reluctant to apply for school leadership positions. Female teachers' poor self-image, conflict of roles in home and working area, lack of confidence, and misperception of society towards female leaders were the major challenges that affectes female teachers' participation in school leadership positions. School leaders, those currently in the position, face many challenges as a result of their gender bias discrimination. Women's affier office could arrange capacity building training to build the capacity and confidence of female teachers. Planned awareness creation programs and trainings could be provided for community members by government officials and religious leaders to improve their misleading perceptions and value towards female leaders' capabilities. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.subject Educational Planning and Management en_US
dc.title Major Challenges That Affects Women’s Participation in School Leadership Positions in Government Primary Schools of Fageta Lekoma Woreda As Perceived By Female Teachers en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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