Effect of high Intensity Interval Training on Selected Physical Fitness Qualities and Spiking Technique of Volleyball Project Players

Show simple item record Mekuriyaw, Eshetu 2022-08-10T07:12:22Z 2022-08-10T07:12:22Z 2022-07
dc.description.abstract Volleyball is highly an intermittent sport activity and it depends on the combination of active and passive phases and it requires frequent short bouts of high-intensity exercise, followed by periods of low-intensity movements. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of eight weeks HIIT on selected physical fitness qualities and spiking technique of volleyball team players in Kutaber Woreda. This study followed quantitative research approach and experimental research design. To achieve the purpose of this study twenty-four male volleyball project players were selected by using comprehensive sampling and randomly assigned to either EG (N=12) or CG (N=12). The EG was performed additional HIIT for eight week, 3-days per week for a total of 45-50 minutes per session. Both groups were participated field tests before and after the intervention. Participants were measured on tests of vertical jump for explosive power; flying 30m sprint test for speed, push up for strength, SEMO agility test for agility and radar test for spiking speed. The collected data were statistically analyzed by ANCOVA to compare post tests between groups’ effect sizes of independent variables on dependent variables after intervention at significance level of 0.05. The analyzed data showed that HIIT has significant improvement on the selected variables in pre-post test performance of EG (p<0.05). However, CG has no improvement in all selected variables of pre and post test performance. Based on the finding of this study was concluded that EG showed significant improvement on the selected variables of volleyball players when compared to the CG. It was also concluded that the significant difference exists between HIIT group and CG on the selected variables. Consequently, it is recommended that volleyball players and coaches should include HIIT program on their training sessions for the development of physical fitness and spiking speed of volleyball team players en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Sport Science in Vollyball en_US
dc.title Effect of high Intensity Interval Training on Selected Physical Fitness Qualities and Spiking Technique of Volleyball Project Players en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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