Determinants of Stillbirth among Mothers Who Gave Birth in Bahir Dar City Public Hospitals, Northwest, Ethiopia, 2021

Show simple item record Amanuel, Tebabal 2022-05-14T06:00:04Z 2022-05-14T06:00:04Z 2021-07-05
dc.description.abstract Back ground: Stillbirth is tragic adverse pregnancy outcomes that cause direct, indirect, and intangible costs to women, their partners and families, health-care providers, the government, and the wider society. Almost all stillbirths occur in low and middle income countries. Attempts to lower the stillbirth rate may be hampered by an incomplete understanding of the risk factors leading to the majority of stillbirths. Objective: This study was tried to identify determinants of stillbirth among mothers who gave birth in Bahir Dar city public hospitals, Amhara region, Northwest, Ethiopia, 2021. Method: Institution based unmatched case control study was conducted from April 1– 30/2021 among 441(147 cases and 294 controls) charts of mothers. Participant’s folders were selected by simple random sampling technique. Data from participants’ folder was collected by data extraction checklist. Data were coded and entered by epi data version 3.1 then exported into SPSS version 23 for analysis. Binary and Multivariable logistic regression analyses was employed to estimate the crude and adjusted odds ratio with 95% confidence interval and p value of less than 0.05 considered statistically significant. Result: In this study, being referred from other health facility [AOR =1.86, 95% CI 1.09- 3.11], mother who had hypertensive disorder during pregnancy [AOR=3.34, 95% CI 1.76- 6.33],APH [AOR 6.14,95% CI 2.47-15.22] , previous history of still birth [AOR= 3.61, 95% CI 1.30-17.05] ,Preterm delivery [AOR=2.15, 95% CI 1.09-4.45],and low birth weight [AOR=3.97, 95% CI 1.83-8.59] were identified as predictors of stillbirth. Conclusion and recommendation: The determinants of stillbirth in the study area were being referred from other health facility, previous history of stillbirth, hypertensive disorder during pregnancy, antepartum hemorrhage, preterm delivery and low birth weight. Therefore, to tackle these risk factors, efforts must be directed to broaden and decentralize accessibility of emergency obstetric service, screen and investigate antenatal risk factors and evaluate the existing referral system. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Midwifery en_US
dc.title Determinants of Stillbirth among Mothers Who Gave Birth in Bahir Dar City Public Hospitals, Northwest, Ethiopia, 2021 en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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