Social Reintegration of Offenders under Ethiopian Criminal Justice System: The Case of North Gondar Zone in Amhara Regional State

Show simple item record Molla, Gashaw 2022-03-24T12:57:09Z 2022-03-24T12:57:09Z 2021-05
dc.description.abstract The Social reintegration of offenders is one of the most critical objectives of criminal justice system. To achieve this objective different approaches are practiced in different countries. According to the UN office of drugs and crimes there are three approaches prison based rehabilitation and reformation programs, aftercare reintegration programs (community intervention) and non custodial measures. Among non-custodial measures alternative dispute resolution mechanisms are accepted as a best mechanism for offenders in western countries and historical dispute resolution mechanism in African states. In the contemporary world a new paradigm of criminal justice system called restorative justice system is accepted as the best mechanism for offender reintegration. In this new paradigm all stakeholders are participate to solve the dispute and redress the harm on the crime victim and reintegrate the offenders through healing ceremonies of customary dispute resolution mechanisms. Under the Ethiopian criminal justice system informal dispute resolution mechanisms applied in parallel to formal criminal justice system in remote area and used to reintegrate the offender by reconciliation of disputing parties through customary rituals. Customary dispute resolution mechanisms also used to restore the previous relationship and maintain a future peaceful relationship between the conflicting parties and the communities by preventing a culture of revenge and recidivism by reintegrating the offender into the community. But, this customarily accepted peaceful dispute resolution mechanism not recognized in the formal criminal justice system .This thesis examines the place of social reintegration programs under the Ethiopian criminal justice system and the compatibility of customary dispute resolution mechanisms for the reintegration of offenders by comparing and contrasting the formal criminal justice system with the informal criminal justice system based on the practice in the study area, concepts in the literatures and trends in other countries. The study used interview, legislative analysis and relevant literature analysis. The finding shows the Ethiopian criminal justice system focuses only in punishing the offender and Crime preventing and reintegrating non-custodial measures like customary dispute resolution mechanisms used to reintegrate the offenders are not recognized clearly. Although the criminal law and criminal procedure code incorporate some concepts about reintegration of offenders such as parole, probation and private prosecution, there is no established and effective organs for supervising and assist the parole and probation in Ethiopia according to the criminal code .Therefore , the study shows recognition of non-custodial measures used to reintegrate the offender in some selected crimes based on future studie en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Law en_US
dc.title Social Reintegration of Offenders under Ethiopian Criminal Justice System: The Case of North Gondar Zone in Amhara Regional State en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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