dc.description.abstract |
The demand for and reliance on heavy construction equipment has grown in parallel
with the size and complexity of construction projects. Apart from the initial purchase
price, the most expensive part of a construction equipment is the maintenance and repair
costs. Hence, there is a need for appropriate maintenance management techniques to
minimize costs and utilize the equipment to serve its design life. One part of this
technique is to interpret available maintenance data and turn it into useful information
to evaluate, predict, manage, and improve the performance of the equipment in the best
possible way. According to a pilot research and discussions with experienced experts
working in various construction organizations, the most commonly utilized method for
recording and managing maintenance tasks is Microsoft Excel and papers [generally
known as file or documents]. Even if this method is easy and less costly to use, it has
many drawbacks. For instance, multi-user access to data is not possible; there are data
redundancy and inconsistency; they are highly exposed to error; and data are stored as
isolated data-file, which makes it difficult for performance calculations. Thus, this
study conducts a detailed investigation using a case study approach with an objective
of assessing the maintenance data management system practiced b y local contractors.
The finding shows that the selected contractors still use file (traditional) system to
manage their maintenance works. The study develops a Computerized Maintenance
Management System based on analysis of data collected from interview, direct
observation, and documentation from professionals working in the maintenance
departments’ of the selected contractors along with works of literature. The developed
system is expected to assist and improve the maintenance management activities by
providing an organized data for evaluating performances & utilizing key indicators/
metrics to make equipment maintenance management-related decisions more easily.
Keywords: Construction Equipment Management, Equipment Maintenance, CMMS,
CEMMS, Maintenance management |
en_US |