dc.description.abstract |
This study was carried out to characterize the different aquifer systems in Ardi river catchment, Upper
Blue Nile Basin, Northwestern Ethiopia. The catchment is characterized by different volcanic and
metamorphic rocks overlain by sediments. Currently, fast growing of population and water utilized
activities increment, inadequate water from the wells (declining water level and discharge), some wells
are being completely dried and no study has made on aquifer characterization in the catchment were
the challenges and the initiative of the study. To minimize the challenge, an indirect evaluation of
hydraulic properties using integrated geological, hydrogeological, hydrogeophysical and
hydrometeorological methods have been launched to characterize aquifers and evaluate groundwater
productivity. Though several methods are used to characterize the aquifers and identify the
groundwater prospects of an area, Vertical Electrical Sounding and pump testing of boreholes were the
key methods used to recognize hydraulic properties of the aquifer system.VES and Electrical Profiling
are carried out to determine resistivity, thickness, depth, vertical lateral and variations of the geological
formations which are used to obtain entire geological picture of the area. The study result revealed four
to five main geoelectric layers that differ in degree of weathering and fracturing basalt. The highly
weathered and fractured shows low resistivity with high aquifer thickness is the main water bearing
horizon which has good groundwater potential, especially in the Southeastern and Northwestern part of
the study area. An effort has made to estimate transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity, and the thickness
of the aquifer system by establishing a relationship between the pumping test results and vertical
electrical soundings. As a result, it is found that transmissivity varies from 2.1 to 132m2/d, hydraulic
conductivity ranges from 0.05 to 3.84 m/d and aquifer thickness varies from 3-111m. Accordingly, the
aquifer of the catchment was classified into aquitards, low productive fissured aquifer, low to moderate
productive porous aquifers, moderate and high productive fissures aquifer.The mean annual
groundwater recharge estimated by conventional water budget (504.7mm/year) and Soil Moisture
Balance (552 mm/year) is 528.4 mm/year. The general groundwater flow direction was from Eastern
towards Western part of the study area nearly similar to surface water flow direction. Generally, the
western part of the study area around Mentawuha are mostly covered by crystalline basement rock
which is an aquitard, therefore, site selection of groundwater investigation needs care full attention. In
general, from geological, hydrogeological and geophysical investigation results, the high potentiality
aquifers were found mainly on the Northern, Northeastern and in Southeastern parts of the study area. |
en_US |