dc.description.abstract |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the current Relationships among Principal
Transformational Leadership Behavior and School Culture in Secondary Schools of Afar Region
State. The study targeted to explore the transformational leadership components do principals
in secondary schools of Afar Regional State practice, School culture prevails in Afar Region
secondary schools statistical significant relationship among principal 's transformational
leadership components and school components. The study used with quantitative research
designs were employed to corroborate the data obtained through one method by using other
methods to minimize limitation observed in a single design. In the quantitative design, survey
questionnaires were employed. Accordingly, 23 secondary schools found in Afar Region, then,
all 23 secondary schools selected through comprehensive sampling and asked to fill the
quoetionnaires. There are 23 schools principals were selected through comprehensive sampling.
Besides, teachers also selected through purposeful sampling. Then, the instruments were
ad.istered and dafp gathered through questionnaire as well as documents. C'nnsequ~ntly. the
quantitative data were analyzed a responses were analyzed using the t-test and correlation.
Documents were analyzed descriptive. Finally, the results were presented and discussed
concurrently. The study result revealed the following main finings. "There is no statistically
significant difference in the views of teachers and principals towards Leadership were Modeling,
Goal Acceptance and Intellectual Stimulation [the variable of interest] (twos 22)= -0. 738,
p=0.468), (twos, 22)=0.161, P=0.874) and (t;oos. 22)=-0.73~, P=0.468) presented respectively.
but, the rest three components of principals' transformational leadership were statistically
significant. From the School cultures the components collaborative leadership, unity of purpose
and learning partnership were statistically insignificant (taios, 22)= -0. 756, p=0.458), (twos 22)=-
1.206, P=0.241) and (twos.
P=0.616) presented respectively. But, the rest three
components were statistically insignificant. As far as, the components of principals'
transformational leadership in Afar high schools had observed that, there is no statistically
significant difference between teachers and principals. |
en_US |