The Effect of Second-Level Land Registration and Certification on Rural Land Dispute in Amhara National Regional State: The Case of Yilmana Densa Woreda

Show simple item record Mehari, : Selam 2021-02-23T07:01:29Z 2021-02-23T07:01:29Z 2021-02-23
dc.description.abstract Land is an essential pillar of human development and economic growth. It has been the center of political and socio-economic debate from time immemorial. Weak government institutions as well as inadequate demarcation, registration, and certification of land have led to land-related disputes. Land certification program is currently widely promoted in Ethiopia to ensure the right security of land and solve the land-related problem such as disputes. But there are mixed reports and views about the effect of land certification on land disputes. Having this in mind, this study was carried out to assess the effect of second-level land registration and certification on rural land disputes in Yilmana Densa Woreda. To achieve the stated objectives of this study, the study employed a mixed research approach. This study employed both probability and non-probability sampling techniques. For this study, 129 sampled households were selected randomly and correctly responded to the survey questions. Data collected from the sample was analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The result indicates the programme seems to bring marked results in terms of reduced level of border, inheritance, and land transaction-related problem. Similarly, the programme also upgrades the perception of women’s equality on the right to claim property during divorce. Nevertheless, since the responsibility for determining the source of household income is vested in the husband, so it is difficult to say that this will ensure the equality of women because the responsibility for determining the source of income of the family should be shared. Therefore, the study also recommends that, beyond implementing the intervention, increasing the level of awareness, and favorable conditions to empower women in extra-household activities, and also effective control of illegal landholding to reduce land-related dispute. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title The Effect of Second-Level Land Registration and Certification on Rural Land Dispute in Amhara National Regional State: The Case of Yilmana Densa Woreda en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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