dc.description.abstract |
111is study was designed !o investigate how parents give value to education of their children and
e:vimining the existence of retationships between independent variables and students' academic
achievement. Jn addition, the researcher determined the predication of involvement typologie« on
studems' academic achievement by employing quantitative research design. The samples usedfor
this study was Ill' grade students who were registered lo take 2014!15 academic year Ethiopian
General Secondary Education Certificote Examination which are selected from the total of697
grade JO students by using systematic random sampltng method and the respective · parents
included autonuuicolly as o sample of parents. The datafor study was obtained from parents, by
using self> report questionnaires and students score/result/ guthered from the cluster mode! exam
which was given 2014115 academic year. One sample 't- test was used to measure the extent of
parents' value to educatton ofthetr Children and the extent of involvement cf parems to education
of their children. Pearson correlation is used to determine the significance relation of parents'
value~ education an~ parent involvement on student academic achievement. Mulliple regressions
is used to investigate the predication of variables ! valuing, parenting, communication, and
leaning at home! on students academic achievement. The study found that parents did not give
value to education of their children and the participation of parents were betow the expected .A
significant Positive associauon wa.s found parents' vaf11i11g and involvement with students.'
academic achievement. Moreover, parents · involvement and parents value predicts students'
academic achievement: Therefore, it is recommended that the school needs to create conducive
atmospherefor parents to involve In their children (earning. And the school stake holders should
have got training and awareri~s how parents involve in and give value 10 cducat ion of their
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