Major Factors of Adult Learners to Dropout from Integrated Functional Adult Education Program: The Case of Farta Woreda

Show simple item record Ashagrie, Melsew 2020-10-01T09:26:08Z 2020-10-01T09:26:08Z August, 2020
dc.description.abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the major factors of adult learners to drop out from integrated functional adult education programs in Farta woreda, south Gondar zone. This study stands on the two major basic research questions. These are; what are the major factors of adult learners to dropout from integrated functional adult literacy program and what are the possible solutions to minimize adult dropouts. The method used in this study was a convergent parallel mixed-method design. In this study 84 attending learners, 14 dropout learners, 2 coordinators, and 4 facilitators were involved from four IFAE centers. Purposive, simple random sampling and comprehensive sampling technique were used to select respondents. Also, the data were collected simultaneously by using questionnaires, interview, and unstructured observation. In analyzing the data frequency, percentage, and mean were used. Besides the data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively separately but supporting each other to strengthen the result by supporting ones weak result with one good result. The finding of the study indicated that related to situational barriers; low-income status, learner's work conflicts with learning schedule, high work responsibility at home, and the distance from home to the classroom were the major cause of adult learners to drop out from education. Related to institutional barriers; the absence of learning facilities, the absence of suitable learning class, and the absence of budget allocation were the major factors of adult learners to drop out from their education. Also related to dispositional barriers; negative believing about education, feeling of embarrassment, and the feeling of shyness were major factors influencing adult learners to drop out from their education in Farta woreda IFAE center. Concerning to the mechanisms or solutions to adult dropout; awareness creation for the community about adult education, building stable and comfortable classroom, allocating enough budget for the program, tried to prepared psychological training to change the learner's psychological makeup, expand adult education centers near to learners village, hiring qualified facilitators, facilitating useful facilities were included the solution to minimize adult dropout in Farta woreda IFAE center. Based on the data analysis and the major findings the researcher concluded; high work responsibility at home, low income status, negative assumption of adult education, the absence of budget allocation, and the absence of suitable classroom were the major factors of adult learners in Farta woreda IFAE center. Also, creating xiii awareness creation program for adults, allocating enough budget, and expanding expand adult education centers near to learners village were the major solutions to minimize adult dropouts. This study also recommended that all responsible body should adjust the above listed factors of adult learners and all adult coordinators, facilitators, and other adult experts should work together and report real work situation honestly by avoiding fake report. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.subject Adult Education and Community Development en_US
dc.title Major Factors of Adult Learners to Dropout from Integrated Functional Adult Education Program: The Case of Farta Woreda en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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