The purpose of this study was to explore the conception, implementation, and challenges of adult
learning principles in an integrated functional Adult education program of North Mecha
Woreda. To understand whether adult learning principles are being implemented in integrated
functional adult education programs such as facilitators‟ conceptions of adult learning
principles, implementation of adult learning principles in IFAE programs, and major challenges
hindering facilitators in implementing adult learning principles were assessed. The study
deployed Qualitative research, social constructive research paradigm, and case study design.
Observation, Interview, and FGD were data gathering tools used in this study. As sufficient data
collected with such tools, data was analyzed thematically in narration. Facilitators and learners
of the investigated areas, the woreda IFAE expert were data sources of this study. Since
learners were high in number (430), 28 learners selected with purposive sampling, there was a
facilitator within a center facilitators were selected with purposive sampling techniques and
Woreda IFAE expert too was selected with comprehensive sampling techniques. Both facilitators
were conceiving adult learning principles differently. Commonly both of whom were not familiar
with the term andragogy and andragogical assumptions too. Both facilitators conceiving adult
learning principles; except the urban facilitator in the ability to implementing learners self –
concept, both of whom were implementing adult learning principles (motivation to learning,
need to know, learners prior experience, orientation to learning, readiness to learning) in IFAE
processes. With Woreda IFAE expert supervision, monitoring, and guidance, both center
facilitators were implementing adult learning principles in challenging situations of facilitators‟
shortage/lack of training, well-equipped facilitation center problems, stakeholders' support, lack
of learning environments were potent challenges of facilitators