Ethiopia is a large state in the African continent with a long political history of struggle against
undemocratic governance using both peaceful and violent mechanisms. The focus of this study is
about Ethiopia’s political transition since the mid-2018. In doing so, the study explores the nature,
challenges, and prospects of the political transition by using a qualitative research approach, and
a qualitative case study research design by referring to a wide range of primary and secondary
sources. The essential data was collected from various key informants and multiple documentary
sources. Key informants for interview were selected through purposive and snowball sampling
techniques. The data collected from both primary and secondary sources were analyzed by using
methods of thematic and discourse analysis. The findings of the study divulge that political power
rupture within the coalition of the TPLF/EPRDF regime followed by political elites collaboration
among the two sister parties of OPDO and ANDM removed the strongest authoritarian rule of the
TPLF from the Ethiopian politics at the center. Hence, the mode of the transition was labeled a
transition from above. Political liberalization, the institutionalization of the party system, and the
coming of ‘Medemer’ as a discourse of transition were the operational progress of the transition.
However, miscarriage of transitional justice and reconciliation, failure in negotiating transition,
relapse of authoritarian legacy, the politicization of ethnicity, weak central government,
politicized security forces, problems posed by the regional state of the Ethiopian federation and
the absence of visible transitional political road map were found as the challenges of the
transition. Finally, mass mobilization and political elites being the engine of transition, the
upcoming national election, if it is free, fair and competitive, and COVID-19 pandemic were
revealed as the prospects for Ethiopia’s transition.
Keyword: Democracy, Ethiopia, Medemer, Political transition