dc.description.abstract |
Islamic education has been playing a significant role in the creation of peaceful, disciplined, and hardworking
citizens and it also improves the literacy rate of the country. However, scholarly works studied so far ignore the real
legacy of Islamic education in Ethiopia. A multitude of research has been done on whether Islamic education is
practiced and contributes in multiple disciplines. However, it is hard to find research that entirely focuses on the
practices, challenges, and contributions of Islamic education, especially in the Ethiopian; Gondar context. Therefore,
the overarching purpose of this research is to explore the practices, challenges, and contributions of Islamic
education: Gondar Grand Mosque; Abubeker Sediq Islamic education center. Qualitative approach and case study
design were employed to guide this research. The data were collected from Ustazs and Deressas (using purposive
sampling technique), former Deressas (purposively using snowball sampling technique), and the Ulema and Mejlise
leader (using comprehensive sampling comprehensive technique) by interview, observation in the field, and through
document review. The data obtained from interviews, observation, and document review were analyzed following the
analysis procedures of organizing, transcribing, coding, developing themes, subthemes, and finally presenting
reports. The finding of this research reveals that all levels of Islamic education (Quran, Fiqih, Hadith, and Quran
Tafsir) were practiced. Only Ustazs selected and planned the learning contents, but they respect the needs of the
Deressas. The teaching methods employed in the Abubeker Sediq Islamic education center were Lecturing, roleplaying,
teaching-learning approach were employed. Textbooks and some reference materials were instructional
materials found in the Abubeker Sediq Islamic education center. The Ustaz first identifies Deressas background
before accepting as Deressas of the Abubeker Sediq Islamic education center. Based on the identification, they
arrange different classroom sessions like, morning, afternoon, non-regular, multi-grade, and session for talented or
gifted Deressas and supportive mechanisms based on the identified behaviors and needs. The Abubeker Sediq Islamic
education center had a flexible schedule (Pre-morning and morning, after-noon, session for non-regular, multi-grade
and session for talented Deressas) due to this, the Deressas can learn at any time when they need; and it focused on
“mastery of learning” rather than counting the academic calendar. The Abubeker Sediq Islamic education center had
its management bodies that managed the overall activities of the Abubeker Sediq Islamic education center, due to
these disciplinary problems were not the major issue in the institution. The purpose of the assessment in the Abubeker
Sediq Islamic education center was to know Deressas progress in and after graduation. Lack of trained manpower,
lack of resources, lack of stakeholder’s involvement, and challenges related to administration of the institution were
the challenges encountered in practice. The findings also indicated that Islamic education has contributions to the
religion, literacy, social responsibility, smooth economic and social practices, and creation of ethical and logical
citizens in all aspects. The findings also indicates that there are practices of Islamic education that may be lessons to
better management, to modern education, to create disciplined societies, economic stability etc. |
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