SINOTRUK accident has increased in Ethiopia day by day due to both drivers and vehicle factors. Primary and secondary data has been collected from different stakeholders explicitly to identify the major cause for SINOTRUK accident with in the study area. Based on the finding the study identified the major cause of SINOTRUK related accidents and established recommendation to tackle the severity of SINOTRUK accident in Amhara regional state on the selected link roads. In this research the researcher focused on drivers and vehicle related factors because of environmental and road related factors have a little effect on SINOTRUK accident. Majorly the researcher has given attention to collect the data from traffic police accident record sheets (CR) and from drivers through interview and questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and binary logistic regression analysis. Based on the result from the analysis the basic contributing factors for SINOTRUK road traffic accident has categorized as , lack of experience to lower vehicle, over loading, absence of speed controller GPS, a time gap during training, driver’s attention problem, traffic police commitment problem, drivers speed selection problem, youth age of drivers, vocational based training methods, difference between training & working places, difference between training and the vehicle to drive and SINOTRUK problems. Hence the recommendations were giving continuous training for drivers and traffic polices, installing speed controlling GPS for SINOTRUKs, giving more practical based trainings for driving trainees, giving the trainees practical exercise at a proper location with proper vehicles, improve licensing laws and vehicular problems of SINOTRUK specially vehicle brakes.