Design and manufacturing of stair climbing wheel chair, the project aims designing and manufacturing a wheelchair capable of climbing staircases with manual effort. Some models of wheelchairs which are help full for the work are shown in the project. But the modifications w/c is done for this design includes; simpler operation mechanism on the seat lifting mechanism of the wheelchair, the stair climbing wheel spoke number and arrangement. Geometric analysis for each designed components are done. And also the stress analyses of the shafts are also done. On the other hand for components which are purchased as per standards are clearly stated the criteria‘s of their selection. The mechanism is modeled with solid work software due to the availability, strength and cost steel basically mild steels are selected. The manufacturing procedures, materials used, equipment and machines for each component preparation are stated. The manufacturing process is done by using hand tools like hacksaw, file and ranches. Not only this but also welding and grinding machines are used. The assembling procedures, maintenance and working principle of the mechanism are included with the help of diagrams. The performance test of the prototype is done for three conditions at the application of the machine, basically for manually propelling, one person pulling and flat surface obstacles jumping. The cost spent directly and indirectly from the beginning to the end of the work becomes 10,658 birr. This cost is the manufacturing cost. If production started the selling price of the wheelchair becomes definitely bellow half of this cost. As a result the cost is safe for all our society easily.