dc.description.abstract |
Deforestation is a very big problem in Ethiopia where most of the peoples depend on firewood for fuel supply. Biogas is a viable alternative source of energy to tackle problems inflicted on the environment by deforestation. Biogas is produced by anaerobic digestion process using any degradable organic substances. Fruits and cow manure are good substrates for anaerobic digestion process which are the main causes of waste management problems. In the present study, banana, orange, and papaya fruit peels with cow dung were subjected to anaerobic digestion conditions for a period of 15 days. A similar anaerobic digestion was performed using a mixture containing equal amounts of the three fruit peels. Each digestion process was done using a 40 L plastic digester charged with 3 Kg of a fruit peel mixed with 3 Kg of cow dung in 18 L of water. Likewise, a 3 Kg mixture of the three fruit peels containing 3 Kg of cow dung in 18 L of water was also subjected to anaerobic digestion. The pH of the anaerobic digestion was measured and recorded as in the ranges of 8 to 5 pH which was convenient for optimum biogas production and the temperature was recorded from between 180C to 250C. The total amount of biogas produced from the mixed fruit peels was recorded to be 23.2 L while the volume of combustible biogas recorded from banana, orange and papaya fruit peels subjected to a similar anaerobic digestion process was 8.4L, 3.5 L and 4.6 L, respectively. The total percent solid content of banana, orange and papaya fruit peels and cow dung were measured and recorded as 11.85%, 18.73%, 9.43% and 11.3%, respectively. The results obtained show that maximum biogas was produced from the mixture of fruit peels with cow dung.
Key words: Biogas, fruit Peel, Cow dung, Total solid, volatile solid, anaerobic digestion |
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